Secure Enclave in iOS App

SecureEnclaveDemo is an xcode project containing helper named as SecEnclaveWrapper. You can use this wrapper in your project to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data using Secure Enclave. Let's understand more about in the blog.


The Secure Enclave is a hardware-based key manager that’s isolated from the main processor to provide an extra layer of security. Using a secure enclave, we can create the key, securely store the key, and perform operations with the key. Thus makes it difficult for the key to be compromised.

We usually save data persistently in the app using UserDefaults, Keychain, Core Data or SQLite. For example, To save the session of logged in user, we save username and password. But this process puts our data at high-security risk. So it's always recommended to store sensitive data in an encrypted format. But again, it's a challenge to secure keys used in encryption/decryption.

Secure Enclave

Now here Secure Enclave comes in the role.

In this blog, we will use Secure Enclave to generate key pair and use those in encryption/decryption of sensitive data further.

Here I will create a wrapper to generate key pair using Secure Enclave and use them to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data. And also a viewcontroller to show how to use a wrapper to get encrypted and decrypted data. You may implement wrapper's methods as common methods and use wherever needed in the project. But its recommended to use a separate wrapper for handling communication with Secure Enclave.


I have created .h and .m files named as SecEnclaveWrapper as a subclass of NSObject. In .h file I am declaring function for being accessible from other classes like:

Return encrypted value of data using kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionStandardX963SHA256AESGCM algo
- (NSData *_Nonnull)encryptData:(NSData *_Nonnull)data ;

Return decryrpted data of encrypted data  using kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionStandardX963SHA256AESGCM algo
- (NSData *_Nonnull)decryptData:(NSData *_Nonnull)data ;

Return an initialized instance of the wrapper
- (instancetype)init;

Then in .m file, define the following methods as :

The method init initializes and returns the object of this wrapper class. And 'encryptData' and 'decryptData' method return encrypted data and decrypted data of encrypted data, respectively.

- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init];
    if(![self lookupPublicKeyRef] || ![self lookupPrivateKeyRef])
        [self generatePasscodeKeyPair];
    return self;
- (NSData *)encryptData:(NSData *)data {
    if (data && data.length) {
        CFDataRef cipher = SecKeyCreateEncryptedData(publicKeyRef, kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionStandardX963SHA256AESGCM, (CFDataRef)data, nil);
        return (__bridge NSData *)cipher;
    } else {
        return nil;
- (NSData*)decryptData:(NSData *)data {
    if(data && data.length){
        CFDataRef plainData = SecKeyCreateDecryptedData(privateKeyRef, kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionStandardX963SHA256AESGCM, (CFDataRef)data, nil);
        return  (__bridge NSData *)plainData;
    else {
        return nil;

The 'lookupPublicKeyRef' method below will lookup keychain for public key & 'lookupPrivateKeyRef' method search for the private key and return key if found.

- (SecKeyRef) lookupPublicKeyRef
    OSStatus sanityCheck = noErr;
    NSData *tag;
    id keyClass;
    if (publicKeyRef != NULL) {
        // if already resides in memory, return
        return publicKeyRef;
    tag = [kPublicKeyName dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    keyClass = (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyClassPublic;
    NSDictionary *queryDict = @{
        (__bridge id) kSecClass : (__bridge id) kSecClassKey,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyType : (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyTypeEC,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrApplicationTag : tag,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyClass : keyClass,
        (__bridge id) kSecReturnRef : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanTrue
    //else look key in keychain and return
    sanityCheck = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) queryDict, (CFTypeRef *) &publicKeyRef);
    if (sanityCheck != errSecSuccess) {
        NSLog(@"Error trying to retrieve key from server.  sanityCheck: %d", (int)sanityCheck);
    return publicKeyRef;
- (SecKeyRef) lookupPrivateKeyRef
    CFMutableDictionaryRef getPrivateKeyRef = newCFDict;
    CFDictionarySetValue(getPrivateKeyRef, kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
    CFDictionarySetValue(getPrivateKeyRef, kSecAttrKeyClass, kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate);
    CFDictionarySetValue(getPrivateKeyRef, kSecAttrLabel, kPrivateKeyName);
    CFDictionarySetValue(getPrivateKeyRef, kSecReturnRef, kCFBooleanTrue);
    OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching(getPrivateKeyRef, (CFTypeRef *)&privateKeyRef);
    if (status == errSecItemNotFound)
        return nil;
    return (SecKeyRef)privateKeyRef;

The following methods will actually deal with Secure Enclave to generate a private key and public key.

- (bool) generatePasscodeKeyPair
    CFErrorRef error = NULL;
    SecAccessControlRef sacObject = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(
    if (error != errSecSuccess) {
        NSLog(@"Generating key pair, error: %@\n", error);
    return [self generateKeyPairWithAccessControlObject:sacObject];

- (bool) generateKeyPairWithAccessControlObject:(SecAccessControlRef)accessControlRef
    // create dictionary of private key 
    CFMutableDictionaryRef accessControlDict = newCFDict;;
    CFDictionaryAddValue(accessControlDict, kSecAttrAccessControl, accessControlRef);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(accessControlDict, kSecAttrIsPermanent, kCFBooleanTrue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(accessControlDict, kSecAttrLabel, kPrivateKeyName);
    // create dictionary for saving key into keychain
    CFMutableDictionaryRef generatePairRef = newCFDict;
    CFDictionaryAddValue(generatePairRef, kSecAttrTokenID, kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(generatePairRef, kSecAttrKeyType, kSecAttrKeyTypeEC);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(generatePairRef, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits, (__bridge const void *)([NSNumber numberWithInt:256]));
    CFDictionaryAddValue(generatePairRef, kSecPrivateKeyAttrs, accessControlDict);
    OSStatus status = SecKeyGeneratePair(generatePairRef, &publicKeyRef, &privateKeyRef);
    if (status != errSecSuccess){
        NSLog(@"Error trying to retrieve key from server.  sanityCheck: %d", (int)status);
        return NO;
    [self savePublicKeyFromRef:publicKeyRef];
    return YES;

The private key is generated and stored in Secure Enclave which cannot be directly used. Whereas public key have to be stored manually in keychain by following method.

- (bool) savePublicKeyFromRef:(SecKeyRef)publicKeyRef
{   OSStatus sanityCheck = noErr;
    NSData *tag;
    id keyClass;
    tag = [kPublicKeyName dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    keyClass = (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyClassPublic;
    NSDictionary *saveDict = @{
        (__bridge id) kSecClass : (__bridge id) kSecClassKey,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyType : (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyTypeEC,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrApplicationTag : tag,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeyClass : keyClass,
        (__bridge id) kSecValueData : (__bridge NSData *)SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(publicKeyRef,nil),
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrKeySizeInBits : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:256],
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrEffectiveKeySize : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:256],
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanDerive : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanEncrypt : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanTrue,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanDecrypt : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanVerify : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanTrue,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanSign : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanWrap : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanTrue,
        (__bridge id) kSecAttrCanUnwrap : (__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse
    sanityCheck = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) saveDict, (CFTypeRef *)&publicKeyRef);
    if (sanityCheck != errSecSuccess) {
        NSLog(@"Error trying to retrieve key from server.  sanityCheck: %d", (int)sanityCheck);
    return publicKeyRef;


Now I am creating ViewController.h and .m files. In viewDidLoad in .m file, having a string to be stored in UserDefaults. I will encrypt this string by a private key generated above and then store persistently encrypted data for later use.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    NSString *strDatatosave = @"example data to save";
    NSString *bundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
    NSString *strGroupID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"group.%@",bundleIdentifier];
    SecEnclaveWrapper *keychainItem = [[SecEnclaveWrapper alloc] init];
    NSData *encrypted = [keychainItem encryptData:[strDatatosave dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    NSString *strEncrypted = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:encrypted encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSLog(@"encrypted string %@",strEncrypted);
    NSData *decrypted =[keychainItem decryptData:encrypted];
    NSString *strDecrypted = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:decrypted encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSLog(@"decrypted string as real string%@",strDecrypted);



In this blog, we learned about the basics of key generation via Secure Enclave and encryption and decryption using keys. By default, key-pairs are generated in the Secure Enclave. The private key is available only at creation time and can not be obtained later as it is saved in Secure Enclave. Operations can be performed with it without exposing it to user code. Only Public Key will be stored and retrieved.

You can find the complete repository link here

Thanks for reading the blog. For detailed information and execution example of this blog, please refer to the video below:

Tanvi Jain

Written by Tanvi Jain

A Mobile application developer based on Jaipur, India. Having 6+ years of experience in iOS App development with Client based & Product based organizations.

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