Social Media Colors in Hex

Are you tired of eye dropping (or worse… guessing) the colors of every social network you like? Fear not my friend, I have searched the webs to find our beloved…

Are you tired of eye dropping (or worse… guessing) the colors of every social network you like? Fear not my friend, I have searched the webs to find our beloved social media colors and listed it out in hex form.

Facebook #3b5998

Google Plus #F90101

Linkedin #007bb6

Twitter #55acee

Yahoo #400090

Amazon #FF9900

Aol #066cb1

Delicious #67b6e3

Digg #486ca3

Disqus #35a8ff

Foursquare #1cafec

Github #181616

Google #0266C8

Hyves #f9a539

Instagram #406e94

Kaixin #bb0e0f

Live #004C9A

Livejournal #3770a3

Mixi #d1ad5a

Myspace #313131

Odnoklassnikki #f69324

Orange #ff6600

Paypal #13487b

Persona #e0742f

Pinterest #cb2128

QQ #009BD9

Reddit #ff5700

Renren #005baa

Salesforce #219CDF

Stackexchange #4ba1d8

Steam Community #666666

Tumblr #32506d

Verisign #0261a2

Virgilio #eb6b21

Vkontakte #45668e

Sinaweibo #bb3e3e

WordPress #21759c

Mailru #1897e6

Xing #007072

Openid #f7921c

Did I miss anything? Add it in the comments and help build this awesome list.

Team LoginRadius

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