Going Passwordless is More Secure and Affordable for Your Business
With passwordless authentication, you can free your customers from the hassle of remembering passwords without compromising on your authentication security.
Authentication Experience Shouldn’t Be A Drag
Delight Your Customers With Low-Friction Passwordless Login
Get Faster Access To Applications
Passwordless login is all about convenience. No more having to create and remember passwords while authenticating, and the streamlined process enhances the customer experience.
It works with all web and mobile apps — across all devices and browsers.
Enhance Authentication Security
There’s a problem that’s only getting worse — people reusing passwords across multiple sites which creates an increasingly insecure ecosystem. The absence of passwords in the authentication process effectively mitigates this issue.
LoginRadius’ passwordless login solution uses security standards that work across a broad set of devices. It also reduces the attack vectors by eliminating the possibility of password-based attacks such as dictionary passwords, brute force, and credential stuffing attacks.
Reduce Cost and Optimize Resource
No more passwords mean no more password reset requests from your customers. And, since you no longer need a password reset process, you are saving up on your IT support costs.
Also, not having to encrypt passwords or store passwords hashes optimize business resources involved in this process.
SMS-based Passwordless Login
Give your customers the convenience of logging in to their accounts by clicking a link received on their email or entering an OTP received via SMS on their phone number.
With LoginRadius’ passwordless authentication solution, businesses can choose to entirely eliminate passwords during registration and login processes or give customers the liberty to login via a passwordless or password-based method.
Console-Driven and Fully Configurable
Passwordless Login is directly configurable from the LoginRadius Admin Console where businesses can easily customize their user interface and the experience for customers. Some of the frequently used customizations options:
- Expiration setting for login link and OTP.
- Expiration setting for the session lifetime.
- Audience/ region-based content and language customizations for email and SMS.

What is Passwordless Login
Can you exactly recall which accounts what passwords belong to? How frequently do you reuse the same password because you can’t have a unique, strong, and easily-remembered password for each of your accounts? Passwordless Login takes the frustration out of the equation to create a better consumer experience.
Product: Passwordless Login
Learn how the LoginRadius Identity Platform removes the password element altogether and offers secure one-click access.
The Future of Authentication is Passwordless With Magic links
By opting to add the magic link feature to your mobile apps or email accounts, you are likely trying to make your mobile app or site user-friendly, contributing to a strong security strategy. Here are some reasons for which you can opt passwordless magic links.