ISO/IEC 27018:2019
ISO 27018:2019 is a security management standard that specifies control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing measures to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in line with the privacy principles in ISO/IEC 29100 for the public cloud computing environment.

LoginRadius is ISO 27018 audited and certified.
ISO/IEC 27018:2019 focuses on the protection of PII on the cloud. It also provides a set of additional controls and guidance intended to protect public cloud PII not addressed by ISO/IEC 27001.
This certification demonstrates our commitment to protecting our customer data and PII.
The protection of Personal Identifiable Information is crucial at LoginRadius. We maintain thorough documentation focused on protecting PII.
At least once a year, LoginRadius is audited for compliance by an accredited third-party certification body, providing independent validation that applicable security controls are in place and operating effectively. As part of this compliance verification process, the auditors validate that LoginRadius cloud services have incorporated ISO 27018 controls for the protection of PII.
By following the standards of ISO 27018, LoginRadius demonstrates that its privacy policies and procedures are robust and in line with its high standards.
Customers of LoginRadius cloud services know where their data is stored. Because ISO 27018 requires cloud service providers to inform customers where their data may be stored, LoginRadius cloud service customers have the visibility they need to comply with any applicable information security rules.