Kinesis + LoginRadius
Amazon Kinesis is a data streaming service that collects and processes large streams of data records in real-time. Through a LoginRadius integration, you can feed your customer profile data directly into Kinesis stream to automatically use them to generate alerts, dynamically change pricing and advertising strategies, or send data to a variety of other AWS services.

Example Use Case
- Implement the LoginRadius Identity Platform on your websites.
- Collect customer profile data each time your customer registers, logs in, or updates its profile into your websites.
- The LoginRadius Identity Platform will centralize your enterprise analytics from all of your websites.
- This data is then automatically pushed into your Kinesis data streams in real-time.
- You can now easily manage all of your customers data in one central location for your real-time metrics, reporting, data analytics, processing and push the data further to other AWS services like DynamoDb, RedShift etc.